Backstreet Boys: Official Biography
By Rob McGibbon
ISBN: 0-7522-2406-9
110 p. Illus.
$17.95 Paper Original
This is the official biography of the pop band taking both sides of the Atlantic by storm. See A.J., Howie, Nick, Kevin and Brian like you've never seen them before.Author Rob McGibbon interviewed all five of the Backstreet Boys extensively during their 1997 European tour and they talked to him in intimate detail about every aspect of their lives including childhood memories; their first performances as child actors; the formation of the Backstreet Boys; how they battled to make it as a band and what their lives are like now that they are famous. In addition the author traveled to Kentucky and Florida to interview the boys’ teachers, their closest childhood friends and the people who played a key role in creating the group. The Backstreet Boys also open up their family photo albums to give a unique pictorial guide to their lives.
ALSO AVAILABLE: Backstreet Boys: On the Road
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