By Rob McGibbon
May 1999
ISBN: 1-891696-09-2
64 pages, illustrated
$19.95 paper original
Backstreet Boys: On the Road takes you behind the scenes of the latest world tour of this white-hot pop band based out of Orlando, Florida. Author Rob McGibbon, who wrote Backstreet Boys: Official Biography gives you full access to A.J., Howie, Nick, Kevin and Brian as they tour Europe, Asia and America with on-stage and behind-the-scenes photographs. Read about the Boys' humble beginnings in the late 80s, their rise to stardom, life on the road, their mega-successful 1997-98 world tour and triumphant return to Orlando to close 1998. This huge, 8 3/4" x 11", book is a must-have for all fans. 75 illustrations.
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