Art Books International
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Vik Muniz
Edited By Germano Celant
September 2003
Mondadori Electa, Milan, Italy
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
240 Pages, Illustrated, 11 1/4x 8 7/8 "
$77.50 Paper Original
Vik Muniz does not take photographs - he materializes them. As though they came from an unknown, impalpable limbo. As though his task were to bring them out into the light. His process is reversed, for he does not use light to photograph: he photographs the illumination that traverses his memory or his universe of objects and matter. This illumination is almost always an image that recalls another. Or one that recalls something that resembles something else. What matters is the informative aspect of the image, the possibility to make manifest a photograph that, be it an icon or a figure, pays little attention to linguistic autonomy, but rather to its mimetic function...
-Germano Celant, "Mimesis of Mimesis: Vik Muniz"