Art Books International
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Vetri e Metalli: Marco Zanuso Jr
[In English & Italian]
Edited By Silvana Annichiarico
October 2010
Mondadori Electa, Milan, Italy
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
80 Pages, Illustrated, 6 x 7 3/8"
$34.50 Paper original
Zanuso has created a family of lamps using
a special type of glass more commonly
seen in laboratories and chemistry:
borosilicate glass (Pyrex). The designer has
exploited this product’s exceptional
characteristics (it can withstand high
temperatures and is extremely strong and
perfectly transparent) to create light,
ephemeral pieces that form a highly original
and unique exhibition.As Silvana Annicchiarico says:
“The way Marco Zanuso Jr conceives his design
approach goes way back. It is rooted in the noblest
traditions of the design culture while, equally, presenting
unquestionably contemporary notions -
particularly manifest in his constant quest to
innovative type & production."