International Art Books
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Raffaello e Urbino
La sua formazione e I rapporti con la citta natale
[Italian Text]

Edited By Lorenza Mochi Onori et al.
April 2009
Mondadori Electa, Milan, Italy
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9788837068127
320 Pages, 200 color plates

$67.50 Paper Original

A previously unpublished reconstruction of the child prodigy's youth in Urbino, the cultural influence of the ducal court and his close ties with his birthplace throughout his artistic career. This catalogue contains numerous essays by leading Raphael scholars and in-depth critical appraisals of masterpieces by the maestro himself and his circle, drawn from major museums around the world (Metropolitan in New York, National Gallery in London, Kunsthistorisches in Vienna, the Uffizi and the Vatican Museums) and shown in a special exhibition in the Salone del Trono in Palazzo Ducale in Urbino.





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