International Art Books
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications, Inc.

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Pietro Barucci Architetto
[Italian Text]

Edited By Ruggero Lenci
May 2009
Mondadori Electa, Milan, Italy
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9788837067496
320 Pages, 300 Illustrations

$122.50 Paper Original

The book, written by Luigi Lenci tells the story of Petro Barucci, the Roman architect and town planner, focusing on the most important milestones of his life's work. Having started out working on residential building projects like the INA Casa residential district in Livorno-Coteto, he paused in Rome in the 1960s to design the Centro Direzionale (Business Center) in Piazzale Caravaggio. In the 1970s, Barucci's awesome professional career continued with work on town plans and building projects in the Laurentino and Torrevecchia districts of Rome. In the 1980s and 1990s, Barucci continued to work on important residential building and town-planning projects.

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