International Art Books
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications, Inc.

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Paola Mattioli
Una Scottile Distanza

Edited By Gigliola Foschi and Elisabetta Longari
December 2008
Mondadori Electa, Milan, Italy
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9788837062415

120 Pages, Illustrated, 9 5/8 x 8 3/4 "

$54.00 Paper Original

This new title in Electa's BelVedere series pays homage to an Italian photographer who relates stories in images. For many years Paola Mattioli has been well-known in Italy. A fine portraitist, over the years she has moved away from pure description of figures, aiming rather at organizing a balance of spaces around them. An intellectual always attentive to art and literature, she traverses them by transverse paths.

Her images therefore always require a "second reading" because they conceal meanings not perceptible at first sight, concealed behind subtle and insightful metaphors. In the photography of Paola Mattioli there always emerges a symbolic, allusive discourse, because she is always conscious of the function of photography. Her images have introduced into Italian photography a new and original way of recounting a story by images and of writing stories with them.






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