Art Books International
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications, Inc.Click to see all titles
Obey Giant
Urban Interventionist Posters
By Franck Shephard Fairey
August 2005
Franck Slama
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
80 Pages, Illustrated. 6 1/2 x 8 1/2"
$52.50 Hardback
André the Giant Has a Posse is a street art campaign based on an original design by Frank Shepard Fairey created in 1989 while Fairey was a student at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD).
At the time Fairey declared thecampaign to be "an experiment in phenomenology." Over time the artwork has been reused in a number of ways and has become a world-wide pataphysical movement, following in the footsteps of Ivan Stang's Church of the SubGeniusand populist WWII icon Kilroy Was Here.
At the same time, Fairey's work has evolved stylistically and semantically into the OBEY Giant campaign. This book displays 10 years of graphic evolution -- from the first photocopied "Andre the Giant" sticker that Shepard Fairey made atRISD to the giantbillboard posters you see all around the world.
A stunning full-colour documentation of Fairey's
T 'campaign' of postering and stencils It attempts to simultaneously bring the viewer to question propa-ganda absorption and to encourage a better use of public space
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