Art Books International
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Isaac Julien
Edited by Enrique Juncosa, et al.
August 2005
Irish Museum of Art
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
88 Pages, Illustrated. 12 x 12"
$67.50 Hardcover
This exhibition of film works by the British artist Issac Julien continues a strand of programming at IMMA that seeks to present some of the most interesting young artists working in the world today. In 2005 this line has been especially strong with exhibitions already devoted to the Franch artist Pierre Huyghe, the Dutch sculptor Mark Manders and the German painter Franz Ackermann, with the plan to present later this year the Irish video artist Jaki Irvine, whose eight screen video installation The Silver Bridge has been bought for the IMMA Colle
Isaac Julien was born in 1960 in London to a family of Caribbean origin. He studied in Central St. Martin's School of Art & Design and in 1983 made his first video Who Killed Colin Roach. During the 1980s and 1990s he made over fifteen films including the seminal Looking for Longston (1989), a powerful and striking meditation about the work of the American poet Langston Hughes with references to other gay black writers like James Baldwin. The elliptical narrative of the film and its references to other avant-garde works like Chant d'Amour, the celebrated masterpiece by Jean Genet, would become constants in Julien's films.
Young Soul Rebels, a feature film directed by Julien in 1991, about the club scene in London in the 1970s, which dealt with racial and gender issues, won him an award at the Cannes Film Festival. Issac Julien has also held lecturerships at Havard University and the Whitney Museum.
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