International Art Books
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Ercolano: Tre Secoli di Scoperte
[Italian Text]

Edited By Pier Giovanni Guzzo
February 2009
Mondadori Electa, Milan, Italy
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9788837065447
250 Pages, 120 Color Plates

$97.50 Paper Original

The Archaeology Museum in Naples is home to the antiquities brought to light during the dig organised by Charles III of Bourbon in 1738. Apart from the paintings, the things that aroused most interest among historians and classical scholars were the large bronzes. During this initial stage of exploration pictures and commemorative statues of the emperors Titus, Claudius and Augustus were found. A large number of statues in bronze
and in marble also come from public and private parts of the ancient town buried in the Vesuvius eruption.





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