International Art Books
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications, Inc.

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[English & Italian Text]

Edited By Mariarosa Borriello and Tiziana Rocco
February 2009
Mondadori Electa, Milan, Italy
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9788837068967
48 Pages, 40 Color Plates

$22.50 Paper Original

The customs and popularity of these almost mythological figures. The first chapter begins with the actual gladitorial spectacle. Ancient sources, mosaics and reliefs from the houses and tombs of town magistrates help reconstruct a day of spectacles in the amphitheater at Pompeii, the oldest of all those still surviving. Then the authors divide the gladiators into categories, based on inscriptions and literary sources. The names of the fighters were derived from the weapons they used in the arena and which were the easiest way to distinguish them. Finally, the many graffiti, oainted inscriptions and everyday objects which refer to the gladiators and their performances in the arena are proof of the widespread favor which the spectacula and the heroes of the fights enjoyed in Pompeii.

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