International Art Books
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Ettore Sottsass
Vorrei Sapere Perche / I Wonder Why
[In English & Italian]
Edited By Mari Enzo, et al.
December 2008
Mondadori Electa, Milan, Italy
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9788837057343
256 Pages, Illustrated, 6 3/4x 9 1/2 "
$57.50 Paper Original
The catalogue contains a series of interviews which explain why it is impossible to separate the artist from the man: Mari and Dorfles, Mendini and Hollein ("He's a wizard: without Sottsass our lives would be dull"), plus a whole series of other comments, interviews and points of view. A publication that really takes an in-depth look at the Sottsass story, not just a cursory other words, one for your must-have list.