International Art Books
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications, Inc.

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Chiara Dynys
Light to the Eyes

Edited By Maurizio Sciaccaluga
May 2007
Mondadori Electa, Milan, Italy
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9788837052805

120 Pages, Illustrated, 10 5/8 x 10 1/2 "

$67.50 Paper Original

Chiara Dynys rejects that any single notion of style and figure is dominant in the language of art. Through pictures, lights, colors and unusual materials she recomposes the spaces of housing facilities in the path of an environment that brings a new dimension to sensory and mentality. The rooms are inspired by simple and mysterious, all known and unknown, yet universal particular, the dimensions of which are distorted mirrors, pyramids Contact with the observer is desired and requested, to the point that it is an actor, emotionally involved, in the creation itself.






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