International Art Books
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications, Inc.

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Boys--New Look, Volume 2
In English & Spanish Texts

Edited by Eva Minguet Camara, et al.
November 2007
Instituto Monsa
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
93 Pages, Illustrated. 9 7/8 x 13 5/8"
$62.50 Hardcover

Men's hairdressing has seen some very big changes in recent times. The 21st Century man now cares for his appearance more than ever, opting for more daring and modern looks. We can now come across color jobs, haircuts, extensions, etc., on men of all ages.

The taking care of oneself cult is already well established among the male population and it is now that the liking for tastes of all kinds is finally coming to light.

In this volume we reveal the latest techniques in hairdressing: cutting, coloring working with hair extensions, etc., some very different and creative techniques. We also wanted to give hairdressing and it creative labors the international support it deserves, the reason for which we wanted to include great hairdressers of different nationalities such as Anne Veck, Cebado, Felicitas, Hob Salons, Sanrizz, Gym Groming, etc.

We can appreciate the quality of their work, familiarize ourselves better with their techniques and curriculum and refresh our ideas on seeing the trends established around the world.

The hairstyles shown in this publication have been created in our salons with the intention of putting the latest styles within your reach, something we hope we have achieved.


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