Art Books International
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Allessandro Mendini
[In English & Italian]
Edited By Alberto Fiz
October 2010
Mondadori Electa, Milan, Italy
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
248 Pages, Illustrated, 9 3/4 x 11 3/8"
$82.50 Hardcover
An exhibition and monography on one
of the undoubted masters of shape and
colour, who is also an incisive critic and
intellectual editor of magazines.
Marca’s spring expo examines the
critical aspects of Alessandro Mendini’s
visual production through key works
such as Poltrona Proust, Kandissi, Tavolo
spaziale, Mobile infinito, Lassù and a
brand new project realised ad hoc for
MARCA. Architect, designer and artist,
Mendini has gradually evolved a system
of images set in an utopia, rich in
concepts and advanced living solutions.
Linking his experience to poor art and
radical design, and later to Neomodernism,
Mendini is the narrator of a
sensitive environment that is trying to
contact man through his soul.