How to Write Essays & Assignments
Smarter Study Guides

By Kathleen McMillan, Jonathan Weyers
September 2007
Prentice Hall / Financial Times
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publication
ISBN: 9780273713579
256 pages, Illustrated, 5 3/8 x 8 1/2"
$26.50 paper original

How to write great essays covers everything a student is likely to need to research, plan and write academic essays and assignments that will get you great marks.

1. Why expressing yourself in writing is important  (NEW)
What markers are looking for
2. Identifying key elements and content - What criteria will your essay will be judged against (NEW)
Choosing the question/getting started
3. Tackling writing assignments - How to get started
Reading & Research
4. Effective academic reading - How to read efficiently and with understanding
5. The library as a resource - How to make the best use of the facilities
6. Thinking critically - How to develop a logical approach to analysis and problem-solving  
Time management
7. Time management - How to balance study, family, work and leisure
8. Note-making from texts - How to create effective notes for later reference
Writing a first draft
9. Academic writing format - How to organise your writing within a standard framework
10. Planning writing assignments - How to respond to the task
11. Academic writing style - How to adopt appropriate language conventions
12. Sentences and paragraphs - How to shape your text
13. Grammar - How to avoid some common errors
Spelling & Punctuation
14. Punctuation - How to use punctuation marks appropriately
15. Spelling - How to spell competently
16. Vocabulary - How to improve your use of academic terms and language 
Editing & Revision
17. Reviewing, editing and proof-reading - how to make sure your writing is concise and correct
Referencing & Plagiarism
18. Citing and listing references - how to refer appropriately to the work of others
19. Plagiarism and copyright - how to avoid being accused of ‘stealing’ the ideas & work of others
20. Presentation of assignments - how to follow the appropriate academic conventions
21 Exploiting feedback - how to understand and learn from what lecturers write on your work 


This book will provide all the tips and techniques needed to ensure students of all disciplines get the most from the essay-writing process. It supports students in preparing and crafting their essay through consideration of:

How to review, proof-read and present your essay for maximum impact & results

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