21st Century Journalism Handbook
Essential Skills for the Modern Journalist

By Tim Holmes, et al.
December 2012
Pearson Education
Distributed by Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9781405846325
309 pages, Illustrated
$77.50 paper original

The 21st Century Journalism Handbook serves as a comprehensive guide to students of print journalism covering newspapers, magazines and online.

The text covers both the core principles and practices for novice journalists and the fundamental issues facing journalists today – convergence, online, growth of magazine formats, challenges presented by technology, new demands in feature writing – from both a conceptual and practical perspective to provide students with a thorough grounding in the key debates and techniques in the discipline. It gives clear, no-nonsense practical advice to help you develop your generic journalism skills and make a success of your studies and career. It also serves as an essential introduction to the key debates on the industry.



Guided tour


Publisher’s acknowledgements

Chapter 1 Structure of the industry

Chapter 2 Researching

Chapter 3 News writing

Chapter 4 Feature writing

Chapter 5 Production

Chapter 6 Sub editing

Chapter 7 Specialist journalists

Chapter 8 Convergence

Chapter 9 Law, regulation and ethics

Chapter 10 Working as a journalist


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