Nelson Thornes AQA Modular Science -
Book 1 Higher

By David Gerald Applin, et al.
September 2003
ISBN: 0-7487-7286-3
$43.50 paper original

This brand new series consists of five textbooks, each with corresponding Teacher Support. GSCE Double Award is delivered by the Year 10 and 11 Higher texts. The Foundation Tier Double Award is delivered by the Year 10 and 11 Foundation texts. The Foundation and Higher texts can be used in parallel to cover a wide ability range. Issues around Ideas and Evidence and Science in Society are covered comprehensively in two ways: By integration throughout the main text, and By presentation in full, feature-length articles for extra emphasis.

The series is designed to help students prepare effectively for both End-of-Module tests and terminal exams. The Foundation texts are written with simplified language levels, providing full support, where as the Higher texts challenge the more able students and encourages them to achieve higher grades.

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