Mechanical Engineering Science
3rd edition

B y J. Hannah & M. J. Hiller
April 1999
Pearson Education / Longman
ISBN: 0582326753
544 pages, Illustrated
$87.50 Paper original

Mechanical Engineering Science provides an introduction to the basic science and mechanics required by mechanical engineering students in their studies; it links in with and complements the authors' companion volume Applied Mechanics.

This edition of a well-known classic text has been completely updated and includes new material giving extended coverage of power generation and prime movers as well as the topical subjects of renewable energy sources, satellites and emission of pollutants.

Note On SI Units.
1. Statics.
2. Moment. Couple And Torque.
3. Polygon Of Forces; Frameworks.
4. Friction.
5. Work And Power.
6. Machines.
7. Motion; Velocity And Acceleration.
8. Force Amd Acceleration.
9. Momentum And Energy.
10. Uniform Motion In A Circular Path; Satellites.
11. Stress And Strain.
12. Shear Force And Bending Moment.
13. Heat Engines.
14. Temperature And Heat.
15. Expansion And Compression Of Gases.
16. Fuels; Combustion, Energy Release.
17. Steam.
18. Energy, Heat And Work.
19. Heat Exchangers; Power Generation; Emissions.
20. The Prime Mover.
21. Fluids.

• Contains clear and easy to understand explanations of the basic principles accompanied by worked examples.
• Simplifies the selection of exercises for practice by placing appropriate problems immediately following the relevant text.
• Discusses engineering and science aspects to give interest and background to the subject.
• Places emphasis on the relations between forces with diagrams designed to this end.
• Gives greater depth of content coverage than is usual at this level.


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