Equinox: Book of Science
The Earth, The Brain, Space, Warfare

By Jack Challoner, et al.
November 2001
Boxtree (Macmillan)
ISBN: 0752261363
896 pages, 5 1/8 x 7 7/8"
$24.95 paper original

Based upon the award-winning television series from Britain's Channel Four, this book presents key scientific subjects for the lay audience, with a recap of 22 programs on such topics as: When Pigs Ruled the Earth, Killer Earth, Ice Warriors, Lethal Seas, Sense of Disaster, Mind Readers, Natural Born Genius, Thin Air, Lies & Delusions, Return to Space, What Shall We Do with the Moon?, Space-the Final Junkyard, Black Holes, Rubber Universe, Dismantling the Bomb, Russian Roulette, After Desert Storm, Dawn of the Death Ray.

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