Analytical Methods for Environmental Monitoring
By Frank Taylor, et al.
January 2001
Pearson Education
ISBN: 0582253578
344 pages, Illustrated
$125.00 paper original
Environmental legislation emphasizes the need for industries to control and monitor the environmental impact of their activities and this requires laboratory analysis of pollutants. This practical handbook covers current methods for detecting and monitoring pollution in air, soil and water in the context of legal requirements and industry standards. It provides comprehensive coverage of all the major, broadly applicable methods, from traditional methods to biosensors and remote sensing, giving practical guidance on their use. This text will be a valuable reference for any environmental scientist with an interest in analytical techniques. It is appropriate for MSc and postgraduate courses in Environmental Science, Environmental Engineering and Environmental Analytical Chemistry.
1. The environment and the nature of pollution 2. Essentials of analysis 3. Sampling methods 4. Classical methods of chemical analysis 5. Instrumental analysis - optical and spectroscopic techniques 6. Chromatography 7. Integrated (hyphenated) instrumental analysis 8. Remote sensing of the environment 9. Methods for environmental monitoring: biological methods 10. Electro-analysis for environmental applications 11. Radiochemical methods and radiation monitoring
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