Practical Skills in Sports & Exercise Science

By Peter Reaburn, et al.
September 2011
Pearson Education
Distrubuted by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9781408203774
414 pages, Illustrated
$87.50 Paper Original

If you are studying exercise and sports science, or a related course, then this book will be an indispensable companion throughout your entire degree programme. This ‘one-stop’ text will guide you through the wide range of practical, analytical and data handling skills that you will need during your undergraduate and/or postgraduate studies. It will also give you a solid grounding in the wider transferable skills such as teamwork, using information technology, communicating information and study skills.

Practical Skills in Exercise and Sports Science provides an easy-to-read guide to help you develop the skills you need to succeed. It explains the essential elements of practical techniques and procedures in a step-by-step manner to help you understand their application in the context of exercise and sports science.

This text’s unique and comprehensive coverage includes: general advice on practical work; measuring techniques; field tests; statistical techniques; analysis and presentation of data; and study skills.



List of boxes



1. The importance of transferrable skills

2. Managing your time

3. Working with others

4. Taking notes from lectures and text

5. Learning and revising

6. Curriculum options, assessment and exams

7. Preparing your curriculum vitae

8. Finding and citing published information

9. Evaluating information

10. Using online resources

11. Using spreadsheets

12. Word processors, databases and other packages

13. Reporting and interpreting test results

14. General aspects of scientific writing

15. Writing essays and literature reviews

16. Organising a poster display

17. Giving a spoken presentation

18. The principles of measurement

19. Making valid and reliable measurements

20. SI units and their use

21. Scientific method and design of experiments

22. Conducting and writing up project work

23. Your approach to practical work

24. Health and safety

25. Working with body fluids

26. Preparing for fitness tests

27. Pre-exercise health screening procedures

28. Blood and urine collection and analysis

29. Measuring cardiac function

30. Testing pulmonary function

31. Measuring endurance exercise intensity

32. Measuring hydration status and body temperature

33. Measuring flexibility

34. Kinanthropometry

35. Measuring body composition

36. Measuring maximal aerobic capacity

37. Indirect measures of aerobic capacity

38. Measuring energy expenditure and physical activity

39. Measuring anaerobic power and capacity

40. Measuring muscle strength and endurance

41. Common field tests

42. Specific field tests

43. Measuring endurance training thresholds

44. Measuring economy of exercise

45. Monitoring training load

46. Manipulating and transforming raw data

47. Graphs

48. Presenting data in tables

49. Descriptive statistics

50. Choosing and using statistical tests


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