War & Peace:
International Relations 1878-1941, 3rd edition
By David G Williamson
December 2009
Hodder Education
ISBN: 9780340990148
215 pages
$28.50 Paper Original
About the series The Access to History series is the most popular and trusted series for advanced level history students, offering: - Authoritative, engaging and accessible content - Comprehensive coverage of the History AS and A level specifications - Design features, study guides and web support to help students achieve exam success.
This new edition has been reformatted and completely revised to examine international relations between 1878 and 1941. The content focuses on the following areas: - Growing international tensions between the Great Powers 1878-1914 - The First World War - Peace settlements and the impact of the Great Depression in the inter-war period - The countdown to and causes of the Second World War Throughout the book, key dates, terms and issues are highlighted, and historical interpretations of key debates are outlined. Summary diagrams are included to consolidate knowledge and understanding of the period, and exam-style questions and tips written by examiners provide the opportunity to develop exam skills.
- Revised to support current A level specifications.
- In-depth coverage of the period presented in an accessible way.
- Exam-style questions and tips written by examiners offer support with assessment.
- Summary diagrams throughout aid with revision of the key topics and themes.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 International Relations 1878-1941: An Introduction
1. The Ideological Background
2. The Great Powers 1879-1941
Chapter 2 Bismarck's Alliance System 1879-90
1. The Period of Adjustment 1871-8
2. Bismarck's Web of Alliances 1879-83
3. The Anglo-French Quarrel over Egypt and its Consequence
Emperors' Alliance
5. The Key Debate
Chapter 3 The Origins of the First World War
2. Nationalism and Worldwide Imperial Rivalries
3. The Making of the Triple Entente
4. The Second Moroccan Crisis 1911, and its Consequences
5. The Balkans and the Great Powers 1906-14
6. The Outbreak of the First World War 1914
7. The Key Debate
Chapter 4 The First World War 1914-18
1. The Military and Strategic Background of the War 1914-15
2. 1916: The Deadlock Still Unbroken
3. 1917: 'No Peace without Victory'
4. 1918: The Final Year of the War
5. The Armistices of October and November 1918
6. The Key Debate
Chapter 5 The Peace Settlements 1919-23
1. Problems Faced by the Peacemakers
2. Aims and Principles of the Victorious Great Powers
3. The Organisation of the Paris Peace Conference
4. The Settlement with Germany
The Settlements with Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria
6. The Settlement with Turkey 1919-23
7. Enforcing the Treaty of Versailles 1920-3
8. They Key Debate
Chapter 6 Reconciliation and Disarmament 1924-30: The Locarno Era
1. The Impact of the Dawes Plan
2. The Locarno Treaties
4. Russia and Eastern Europe During the Locarno Era
5. The Development of the League of Nations
6. Progress Made Towards Disarmament
7. The Key Debate
Chapter 7 The Democracies on the Defensive 1930-6
1. The Great Depression 1929-33
2. The Rise to Power of Hitler
3. The Reaction of the Great Powers to Nazi Germany 1933-5
4. The Abyssinian Crisis
5. The Remilitarisation of the Rhineland
6. The Spanish Civil War
7. The Rome-Berlin Axis and the Anti-Comintern Pact
8. The Key Debate
Chapter 8 The Countdown to War in Europe 1937-41
1. Hitler Considers his Options
2. The Arms Race: Britain, France and Germany 1936-9
3. Britain, France and Appeasement
4. The Anschluss and the Destruction of Czechoslovakia
5. The Anglo-French Guarantees and Attempts to construct a peace Front
6. The race to Gain the Support of the USSR
7. The Outbreak of War
8. The Spreading Conflict, October 1940-June 1941
9. The Key Debate
Chapter 9 The Countdown to War in Asia 1931-41
1. The Manchurian Crisis
2. The Outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War
3. Japan and the Anti-Comintern Pacts 1936-9
4. The Road to Pearl Harbour 1940-1
5. The Key Debate
Chapter 10 Interpresting International Relations 1878-1941
1. The Causes of the First World War
2. The Peace Treaties
3. The New Global Balance of Power
4. The Fragile Stabiliation 1924-9
5. The Road to War in Europe and Asia 1931-41
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