Reframing Migrant Integration

By Dr. Dieu Hack-Polay
March 2013
Book Guild
Distrubuted by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9781846248214
128 pages
$34.95 Hardcover

This thought-provoking book provides an understanding of the experience of migration and expands the debate about the degree to which the integration of migrants to their host society needs to be reframed. Central to the author s analysis of current migration are issues such as the under use of migrants skills and the conflicting effects of having strong migrant communities. Even with language problems and the difficulties of quantifying different qualifications, migrants skills should surely be better utilised by their host countries. The importance of a community for migrants - where they can share language, religion, memories of their home country and culture is set against the potential damage to integration of a closed community where migrants feel less need to learn the host language or integrate with their new society. Dr Dieu Hack-Polay has carried out extensive research, most notably in London, and his conclusions are shared here with the aim of promoting a new way of thinking about migration that will make integration smoother and more beneficial both for newcomers and their host country.

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