IGCSE Geography
(Includes CD -ROM)
By Paul Guinness & Garrett Nagle
June 2009
Hodder Education
Distrubuted by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9780340975015
203pages, Illustrated
$49.50 Paper Original
A key resource for the IGCSE Geography specification, written by leading and experienced Geography teachers and authors. This book has been carefully prepared to cover the full curriculum for the University of Cambridge International Examinations IGCSE course in Geography. It is accompanied by a CD-ROM offering invaluable study and revision support.
- Endorsed by CIE, demonstrating quality and fitness for purpose
- Full-colour throughout, including attractive and informative photographs and illustrations
- Written specially for the most recent specification
- Supported by CD-ROM with invaluable revision and study support
Table of Contents:
Theme 1: Population and settlement
1.1 Population dynamics
1.2 Types of settlement
Theme 2: The natural environment
2.1 Plate tectonics
2.2 Landforms and landscape processes
2.3 Weather, climate and natural vegetation
Theme 3: Economic development and the use of resources
3.1 Agricultural systems
3.2 Industrial systems
3.3 Leisure activities and tourism
3.4 Energy and water resources
3.5 Environmental risks and benefits: resource conservation and management
Theme 4: Geographical investigation and skills
4.1 Mapwork
4.2 Geographical investigations
Contributors: Garrett Nagle Paul Guinness
Readership: IGCSE geography students
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