Education For The Inevitable
Schooling When The Oil Runs Out

By Michael Bassey
December 2011
Book Guild
Distributed by Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9781846246395
184 pages
$34.95 Hardcover

We live in a society where turbo-consumerism and massive inequality between rich and poor are the order of the day. But what happens when - inevitably - the me-first culture grinds to a halt, and our economy hits the buffers?

It may not happen this year, or next year, or in ten years time. But how will those who are in charge when it does happen - those of our children's generation - cope? How is our current education system preparing the for a time when, literally and metaphorically, the oil runs out? Academic and educational researcher Michael Bassey claims that it's not preparing them at all!

For this reason, he argues, we need a complete overhaul of our schools at all levels. We must return to a system of local schools at all levels. We must return to a system of local schools, universally recognised as 'good', embracing nurture, culture and survival, their goals supported by fair coverage in the press.

With such a system in place society might just be sustainable - and our children and their children might, just might, have a future to look forward to.

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