Ain't Misbehavin'
How to Understand Your Child's Behaviour
& Get the Best from Them

By Laverne Antrobus
September 2007
Pearson Education
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9780273712664
192 pages, 5 3/8 x 8 1/2"
$33.50 Paper


Sometimes in our family lives we come across particular problems that we struggle to overcome. This new series of books from Prentice Hall Life will help parents find solutions to specific, yet common, parenting problems.

Ain't Misbehavin' is quick and easy to use, giving fast advice to stressed out parents. Dealing with just one issue means that help is focused and parents can easily access the guidance and techniques they need.

The book will also help parents to identify, understand and alleviate their own stresses around the behaviour of their children and help them to recognize the flashpoints and triggers for problems.


Chapter 1: What should I expect?
·        Aim of this chapter: to reassure parents, to help them consider their expectations of their children and themselves. This chapter will be an overview.
·        How might a child’s behaviour change as they develop? What is normal for different ages? What could happen if I introduce a sibling? What can happen if there is a major change in our family life.
·        This chapter could cover how children respond to adults, their peers and siblings, how they play, share toys, etc…
·        Question: Should parents think about what their own children are doing so they can judge where they are?
Chapter 2: What is stress-free parenting?
·        To remove stress and overcome issues in a positive way that helps your child develop and sets up a positive family environment for the future.
·        Outline general principle of approach – what to do and not do for best outcome.
·        Perhaps under what not to do we can show how negative behaviour can be reinforced.
·        Feeling in control – what this means
Chapters 3-7: Help! My child has turned into someone else
Chapter 3: Tantrums
·        (What to expect) What form can tantrums take?
·        (What to know) And what are they about?
·        Perhaps show tantrums for different situations – eg, not getting your way, or upset over a new sibling, emotional upheavals or general frustration, etc
·        Should we include something about extreme tantrums, eg. Being sick?
·        (What to do) How best to resolve the problems
·        What is it best not to do? Eg, try to reason with a young child, over react.
·        (What to expect?) How long to resolve?
·        Going forward, are there any ways you can anticipate for a situation where there may be tantrums?
Chapter 4: Sociability
·        What do we tend to aim for – that we all get on well….
·        (What to expect when there are problems?) What are the common areas of difficulties? For example,
o       Fighting
o       Inability to share
o       Arguing
o       Hitting, kicking, biting
o       Name calling
o       Saying things that upset others
o       Telling 
·        (What to know) What do the problems tend to be about?
o       Do any of the issues tend to arise for specific reasons?
·        (What to do) How best to resolve the problems
o       What is it best not to do?
o       (What to expect?) How long to resolve?
·        (What to do) Going forward, are there any ways you can enhance your child’s sociability?

Chapter 5: Rudeness and swearing
·         (What can happen?) What are the common areas of difficulties? For example,
o       Swearing or being rude in public
o       Swearing or being rude to parents and family
o       Swearing or being rude at nursery or school
·        (What to know) Why could this be happening?
·        (What to do) How best to resolve the problems

o       What is it best not to do?
o       (What to expect?) How long to resolve?
·        (What to do) Going forward, are there any ways you can help your child express him/herself more effectively?
Chapter 6: Defiance

o       My child won’t do what I ask him to do
o       She runs off in the park and won’t return when I call…
·        (What to know) Why could this be happening?
·        (What to do) How best to resolve the problems
o       What is it best not to do?
o       (What to expect?) How long to resolve?
·        (What to do) Going forward, are there any ways you can help your child be compliant?
Question Are there any other behavioral issues that are not mentioned here but should be included?
Chapter 7 The road to a more enjoyable family life
Aim: this chapter will summaries the previous chapters with pointers to proactive ways to set up a happy family life. For example,
·        Realistic expectations
·        Being positive
·        Listening
·        Consistency
·        Engaging with your child
·        Having times and routines that you and your children can enjoy together
Chapter 8 What about you?
·        Other factors for parents to bear in mind that may be causing them stress, from an idea of perfection to emotional upheavals….
·        Advice for the parent if they hit a setback

     Where can parents get more advice or share their problems?

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