Signs Given That We Might Act
Reflections on the Gospel of John

By Michael Rebeiro
February 2013
Book Guild
Distrubuted by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9781846248757
207 pages
$22.50 Paper Original

As a teenager, Mike Rebeiro found John's Gospel hard to read and harder to understand. Rediscovering it as an adult, he was struck by the sheer drama of the story and found himself launched on a journey of discovery and inspiration. Join Mike on his journey through John, as he imagines himself at Jesus' side, watching and reacting as he performs the most amazing signs and wonders. Changing water into wine, healing the sick, feeding the multitude, walking on water, raising a dead friend back to life what did these extraordinary signs mean to the witnesses then? What do they mean for us today? Thought-provoking and insightful, this investigation into John's story of the seven signs will challenge and inspire you not only to wonder, but also to believe; and not only to believe, but also to act.

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