Weasel Words
200 Words You Shouldn't Trust

By R. G. Virtue
June 2009
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
Chambers Harrap
ISBN: 9780550104762
200 pages
$19.95 Paper Original

From the deliberately confusing to the downright vague, we all come across language that either seems meaningless or that makes our heads spin. Weasel Words is a demystification of those words and phrases used to bewilder, befuddle and confuse us, from the estate agent's 'bijou' to the politician's more sinister 'waterboarding'.

Using contemporary examples, this book sets out those words we find confusing, explains what each word actually means and examines why these words are used the way they are.

The sibilant pleasures of cascade can be so seductive, it's worth remembering that it's also used as a technical term when attempting to create fuel for nuclear reactors.

The injection of gas into a second cascade of centrifuges marked Iran's first known uranium enrichment since February 2006.
The Times Of India

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