Teaching Primary Art

By Jean Edwards
June 2013
Pearson Education
Distributed by the Trans-Atlantic Publications 
ISBN: 9781405899413
252 Pages, Illustrated
$62.50 Paper original

Teaching Primary Art is an introductory textbook for those training to teach and support learning in art in the primary school. The book first explores the underpinning philosophy and pedagogy of teaching and learning art, including why we teach it; planning and assessment; and teaching and support strategies. Then it covers the practical aspects of teaching art, including a list of useful vocabulary to encourage talk around art and links to cross-curricular learning.



1. Introduction to art in the primary school

2. The art curriculum in primary schools

3. Artists and art galleries

4. Planning and assessment

5. Teaching and supporting learning

6. Drawing

7. Painting

8. Printmaking

9. Collage

10. Working in three dimensions

11. Threads, fabrics and textiles


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