Study Skills Book, 3rd edition

By Kathleen McMillan & Jonathan Weyers
October 2012
Pearson Education
Distributed by the Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9780273773313
450 Pages, Illustrated
$37.50 Paper original

Is there a secret to successful study?The answer is ‘yes’! There are some essential skills and smart strategies that will help you to improve your results at university.

Using proven techniques and tips to help you focus your efforts and develop successful study skills and strategies, THE STUDY SKILLS BOOKprovides practical answers to questions such as:

This book is an essential practical resource for all students who want to improve their performance and succeed in their studies:

This handbook has been written by experts and extensively tested on students to help you focus your efforts, troubleshoot your problems and thrive at university.


About the Authors

1. How to use this book 

Part A - A toolkit for understanding what university involves
2. Preparing for university - what you and you family need to consider
3. Starting out how to get the most out of Freshers' Week
4. General expectations - how the university system works and how this impacts on students
5. What makes university education different - how to get off to a good start
6. Graduate skills and attributes - how to learn what employers expect you to gain from being at university

Part B - A toolkit for managing yourself 
7. Personal development planning - how to reflect on your achievements and set yourself future goals
8. Time management - how to balance study, family, work and leisure
9. Financial tips - how to balance your budget
10. Campus orientation - how to identify the key facilities at your university
11. Social life at university - how to create new social networks and support existing ones
12. Contributing to the academic and outside community – how you can benefit and give something back by participating in extra curricular activities
13. Dealing with stress - how to cope with the pressures of university life

Part C - A toolkit for developing your learning skills
14. Your learning personality - how to identify and capitalise on your preferred learning style
15. Studying independently - how to organise yourself and develop good study habits
16. Lectures - how to learn effectively from this teaching method
17. Listening skills - how to understand what lecturers say and how they say it
18. Note-taking in lectures - how to refine what you hear into note form
19. Co-operative learning - how to study successfully with others
20. Participating in a team - how to make a contribution when working with others 21. Laboratory sessions and field visits - how to gain hands-on experience and skills 
22. Tutorials - how to prepare and participate
23. Thinking critically - how to develop a logical approach to analysis and problem-solving
24. The library as a resource - how to make the best use of the facilities
25. Analysing and evaluating information - how to filter and select reliable material and discuss it properly
26. Effective academic reading - how to efficiently and with understanding
27. Note-making from texts - how to create effective notes for later reference
28. Computing literacy - how to make the best use of computers and software in your learning
29. E-learning - how to make the most of online teaching
30. Number crunching - how to solve problems in arithmetic and algebra
31. Interpreting and presenting data - how to understand and produce graphs, tables and basic statistics 
32. Shaping up in maths - how to use basic geometry and trigonometry to solve spatial problems

Part D - A toolkit for improving your academic writing
33. Tackling writing assignments - how to get started
34. Academic writing format - how to organise your writing within a standard format
35. Planning writing assignments - how to respond to the task
36. Citing and listing references - how to refer appropriately to the work of others
37. Plagiarism and copyright - how to avoid being accused of 'stealing' the ideas and work of others infringement 
38. Academic writing style - how to adopt appropriate language conventions
39. Shaping your text – how to create effective sentences and paragraphs
40. Improving your grammar – how to avoid some common errors
41. Better punctuation – how to use punctuation marks appropriately
42. better spelling – how to spell competently
43. Enhancing your vocabulary – how to develop your word power 
44. Editing and proof-reading - how to make sure that your writing makes sense
45. Presentation of assignments - how to follow the appropriate academic conventions

Part E - A toolkit for performing well in assessed coursework
46. Assessment at university - how tests and examinations work
47. Multiple-choice and short-answer questions - how to tackle short answer formats
48. Numerical questions - how to approach quantitative problems
49. Essay-style assessments - how to maximise your marks
50. Tutorial assessment - how to make your contribution count
51. Assessment of practical and laboratory work - how to improve your marks
52. Tackling a dissertation or project – how to make the best possible start 
53. Choosing a dissertation or research topic – how to decide on a them for your investigation 
54. Writing a proposal – how to structure a successful dissertation or research proposal
55. Principles of quantitative research – how to obtain and analyse numerical information 
56. Principles of qualitative research – how to obtain and analyse descriptive information 
57. Ethics in researching and reporting – how to follow good research practice
58. Report–writing - how to select and shape your content appropriately
59. Literature Surveys - how to conduct and write up a literature survey62. Exploiting feedback - how to understand and learn from what lecturers write on your work and exam scripts

Part F - A toolkit for succeeding in exams
 Physical and mental preparation – how to gear up for exams
64. Creating a revision timetable - how to get yourself organised for exam study
65. Revision tips - how to build understanding through active learning
66. Memory tips and techniques – how to develop tools and strategies for remembering information and ideas
67. Focussing your revision - how to make full use of learning objectives, past papers and other assessment information
68. Study buddies - how to work with fellow students to improve the revision experience
69. Improving your exam performance - how to avoid common pitfalls
70. Exam strategies how to ensure you have the appropriate tactics
71. Combating exam nerves - how to reduce anxiety and perform well under pressure

Part G - A toolkit for the future
 Planning for a career - how to focus on your future
73. Assessing yourself - how to evaluate your skills, qualities, motivations and values
74. Your curriculum vitae - how to describe yourself to potential employers
75. Kick-starting your career - how to find suitable job vacancies and apply for them

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