Plants & Animals

By John Stringerl
September 2008
Red Kite Books - Haldane Mason
Distrubuted by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9781905339099
32 pages, Illustrated.
$13.95 paper original

"Plants & Animals" is one of four titles in the Mad About Science series. This is a bright, colourful series designed to help Key Stage 2 children (7-11s) develop their scientific skills and knowledge, mainly by learning at home in support of their National Curriculum classroom studies.Each book is packed full of easy-to-perform experiments illustrating basic scientific theories and processes.

No special equipment is needed for the experiments; everything required can easily be found in the average home. As well as the experiments there are lots of Amazing Facts and Did You Know? boxes to intrigue and amaze.The books are fun and stimulating and make science truly accessible and enjoyable.

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