Number Magic

By Adrian & Jeni Pinel
September 2008
Red Kite Books - Haldane Mason
Distrubuted by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9781905339198
44 pages, Illustrated.
$13.95 paper original

"Number Magic" is one of three titles in the "Mad About Maths" series. This is a bright, colourful series designed to help Key Stage 2 children (7-11s) develop their number skills and mathematical confidence, mainly by learning at home in support of their National Curriculum classroom studies.Each book is packed with mathematical puzzles and games and includes 12 pages of press-out pieces to use with the activities (counters, board games, etc).

The books are fun and stimulating and turn a subject which many children find slightly forbidding into something which is accessible and enjoyable. Generally speaking, the activities are designed for small groups as well as individuals and so encourage social as well as individual play.

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