Nelson Thornes Framework English 1 --
Skills in Non-Fiction
By Geoff Reilly & Wendy Wren
August 2002
Nelson Thornes, UK
ISBN: 0-7487-6542-5![]()
112 Pages
$26.50 paper original
Comprehensive Key Stage 3 English scheme that reflects National Literacy Strategy priorities by spanning both non-fiction and fiction text-types in twin student books. Nelson Thornes Framework English equips your department with complete reassurance. Each student text provides 18 sections of themed stimulus texts plus differentiated activities at word, sentence and text levels meeting the requirements of the English Framework. They have a rigorous approach to developing writing skills that follows a consistent pattern in order to provide both continuity with and progression from Key Stage 2. The y have suggestions for National Literacy Strategy - recommended lesson structures are provided in a separate teacher's guide. Extra support for students struggling to reach Level 4 is provided in a separate copymaster resource book, as well as assessment materials modeled on the end-of-year tests. Differentiated extension work is provided at the end of each unit giving a choice of writing tasks, centered on the unit theme, enabling students to revise earlier writing styles.Each student text provides 18 sections of themed stimulus texts plus differentiated activities at word, sentence and text levels meeting the requirements of the Framework.
Unit 1 There are more things in heaven and earth
1 Ghost hunting
2 The hideous face with flaming eyes Aidan Chambers
3 Big bad werewolves
Unit 2 I have a dream
1 I have a dream Martin Luther King
2 Nightmares
3 Coping with nightmares
Unit 3 As one great furnace flamed Contents
1 Eruption of Vesuvius Pliny the Younger
2 Fire safety and protection
3 Learning to Live with Auntie Etna Frances Kennedy Explanation Recount - personal experience
Unit 4 Red in tooth and claw
1 Lions at their ease - stalking by car Denys Finch Hatton
2 The African wild dog David Taylor
3 Dancing bears WSPA
Unit 5 Let slip the dogs of war
1 Your country needs you!
2 My own little show Siegfried Sassoon
3 From Other Worlds Hilary Evans
Unit 6 All the world's a stage
1 Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
2 Theatres
3 Make-up for a mime or clown
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