Directory of Vocational &
Further Education in the UK
Edited By James Tierney, et al.
December 2004
Pearson Education
ISBN: 0273688332
458 pages, Illustrated, 6 ¾" x 9 ¾"
$275.00 Paper OriginalOUT OF PRINT
This is an indispensable guide to colleges of further education and sixth form colleges throughout the UK. Each college lists the main subject areas that are taught alongside key qualifications offered and details outlining the best way to obtain a prospectus.
Colleges are also indexed and cross-referenced to subject areas, as well as being included in a comprehensive index covering all organizations. The directory is organized in a clear and logical manner so that all the information contained can be found easily and quickly.
Features: Comprehensive lists of sixth form and further education colleges and a range of institutions from agricultural colleges to performing arts colleges and IT colleges, focused lists of subject areas taught by each institution, as well as main qualifications offered, details of facilities including student unions, residential provision, career offices and sports provision, key contact names, full postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses and web sites, departments, and details outlining where prospectuses can be obtained from, Coverage of all local authority education departments, as well as updated central government information.
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