Nazi Foreign Policy, 1933-39
Author Sean Lang
July 2009
Philip Allan / Hodder Education
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9781844896394
110 pages, Illustrated
$32.50 Paper original
The Advanced TopicMaster series provides students of AS/A-level History with detailed reviews of key topics on the exam board specifications in a challenging and stimulating way. Written by experienced teachers, authors and examiners, Advanced TopicMasters take students beyond the basic textbooks. Each title explores the key questions and debates surrounding the topic, helping students to identify, analyse, interpret and evaluate the material presented.
Extends understanding of key topics
Develops skills of analysis, interpretation and evaluation
Ideal resource for improving exam performance
Will help students to:improve coursework and exam preparation through specially tailored exercises
Table of Contents:
The ‘Munich myth’
The historical bombshells of 1961
New slant on traditional views
If only Stresemann had lived…
…could he have contained Hitler?
The Great War and after
War and policy
The German view of the British
The German view of the French
The German view of the Russians
The German collapse in 1918
The ‘stab in the back’
The Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles
The impact of Woodrow Wilson
Germany and the Treaty of Versailles
The foreign policy of the Weimar Republic
The impact of Versailles
Weimar Germany and Bolshevik Russia
The Treaty of Rapallo
The foreign policy of Gustav Stresemann
The Locarno Conference
Ironing out the anomalies
German reactions to Stresemann
The final years of Weimar
Nazi foreign policy, phase one: rearmament, 1933–36
Mein Kampf and Lebensraum
Who ran Nazi foreign policy?
Agreements with the Pope and the Poles, 1933–34
Withdrawal from the League
Financing rearmament
The search for an ally
The purge and the putsch, 1934
The rise of von Ribbentrop
The remilitarisation of the Rhineland
The Spanish Civil War
The foreign policy of the great powers
French alliances with central and eastern Europe
France’s difficult relationship with Britain
France’s ‘Maginot mentality’
The French crises of 1936
France and appeasement
Great Britain
The foreign secretary
Officials and diplomats
Neville Chamberlain
Defence of the empire
Defence policy
British foreign policy
The Soviet Union
The United States
Nazi foreign policy, phase two: annexations, 1936–38
The Rhineland, the Olympics and the Four-Year Plan: 1936
Planning for war
Austria and the Anschluss, 1938
The Sudetenland, 1938
The Munich crisis
Nazi foreign policy, phase two: from Kristallnacht to war, 1938–39
The annexation of Bohemia–Moravia
Memel and Poland, 1939
The Nazi-Soviet Pact
The last days of peace
A deal with London?
The confusion of Nazi foreign-policy aims
Looking at documents and pictures
Documentary analysis
Picture analysis