Modern World History, 3rd ed.

Author Ben Walsh
August 2009
Hodder Education
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9780340981818
378 pages, Illustrated
$49.50 Paper original

An AQA specific edition of the best selling textbook for GCSE Modern World History. It comprehensively covers the new specification for 2009 onwards and provides a winning combination that will meet the needs of all students.   - clear, engaging and provocative author text which brings the period to life and summarises complicated history clearly without being simplistic. - Focus Tasks which steadily deepen students' understanding of the content (exactly targeting each Key Issue of the AQA specification) while progressively building their history skills. - original and relevant source material - written and visual - all of which is used for historical investigation not just for illustration. - state-of-the-art ICT support in the form of a Dynamic Learning network CD ROM from an author who leads the field in developing the use of ICT to help refine students historical thinking. - authoritative interpretation of the AQA specification by an experienced examiner, trainer and teacher. - associated revision book in full colour. In its first and second editions this book has provided students with what they need to achieve top grades; and provided teachers with what they need to teach a rewarding and worthwhile course. A winning combination - don't settle for less.

Table of Contents: Unit 1: International Relations: Conflict and Peace in the Twentieth Century 1: The Origins of the First World War 2: Peacemaking, 1918-1919, and the League of Nations 3: Hitler’s foreign policy and the origins of the Second World War 4: The Origins of the Cold War 1945–1955 5: Development of the Cold War 1955–1970 6: Failure of Détente and the collapse of communism 1970–1991 Exam focus for Unit 1 Unit 2: Twentieth Century Depth studies 7: Russia and the USSR, 1914–1941 7.1: How did the Bolsheviks take control and keep power? 7.2: Stalin’s Dictatorship in the USSR, 1924–1941 8: Germany 1918–1939 8.1: The Weimar Republic and the rise of the Nazis 8.2: Hitler’s Germany, 1929–1939 9: The USA, 1914–1941 9.1: The USA in the 1920s 9.2: Depression and the New Deal, 1929–1941 10: The USA and Vietnam: Failure Abroad and at Home, 1964–1975 Exam focus for Unit 2 Historical Enquiry 11: The British People at War 12: Britain at War 14: The changing role and status of women in Britain since 1900 Exam Focus for Unit 3


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