Modern World History, 3rd ed.
Author Ben Walsh
August 2009
Hodder Education
Distributed By Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9780340981818
378 pages, Illustrated
$49.50 Paper original
An AQA specific edition of the best selling textbook for GCSE Modern World History. It comprehensively covers the new specification for 2009 onwards and provides a winning combination that will meet the needs of all students. - clear, engaging and provocative author text which brings the period to life and summarises complicated history clearly without being simplistic. - Focus Tasks which steadily deepen students' understanding of the content (exactly targeting each Key Issue of the AQA specification) while progressively building their history skills. - original and relevant source material - written and visual - all of which is used for historical investigation not just for illustration. - state-of-the-art ICT support in the form of a Dynamic Learning network CD ROM from an author who leads the field in developing the use of ICT to help refine students historical thinking. - authoritative interpretation of the AQA specification by an experienced examiner, trainer and teacher. - associated revision book in full colour. In its first and second editions this book has provided students with what they need to achieve top grades; and provided teachers with what they need to teach a rewarding and worthwhile course. A winning combination - don't settle for less.
- New AQA specific edition of the best selling textbook for GCSE Modern World History that has ensured exam success for hundreds of thousands of students.
Written by a senior examiner and trainer for a major awarding body who thoroughly understands the demands of the AQA specification and who also taught this specification for many years.
- Focus tasks on each Key Issue of the AQA specification guarantee a clear match to the requirements of the AQA examination.
- Exam advice features explain what AQA examiners are looking for in each style of question and shows how the Focus Tasks help students acquire both the necessary content knowledge and the essential conceptual understanding to improve their examination grade.
- Supported by three Dynamic Learning network CD ROMs which provide extensive ICT based activities for all key topics for use on school VLEs, networks and whiteboards and through the 'lesson builder' technology allow teachers to remix and adapt the content however they please and to create unforgettable lessons at the click of a mouse.
Comprehensive Teacher's Resource Book available in print and on CD, and high-quality, full colour, authoritative revision materials.
Table of Contents:
Unit 1: International Relations: Conflict and Peace in the Twentieth Century
1: The Origins of the First World War
2: Peacemaking, 1918-1919, and the League of Nations
3: Hitler’s foreign policy and the origins of the Second World War
4: The Origins of the Cold War 1945–1955
5: Development of the Cold War 1955–1970
6: Failure of Détente and the collapse of communism 1970–1991
Exam focus for Unit 1
Unit 2: Twentieth Century Depth studies
7: Russia and the USSR, 1914–1941
7.1: How did the Bolsheviks take control and keep power?
7.2: Stalin’s Dictatorship in the USSR, 1924–1941
8: Germany 1918–1939
8.1: The Weimar Republic and the rise of the Nazis
8.2: Hitler’s Germany, 1929–1939
9: The USA, 1914–1941
9.1: The USA in the 1920s
9.2: Depression and the New Deal, 1929–1941
10: The USA and Vietnam: Failure Abroad and at Home, 1964–1975
Exam focus for Unit 2
Historical Enquiry
11: The British People at War
12: Britain at War
14: The changing role and status of women in Britain since 1900
Exam Focus for Unit 3