Longman Companion to the
European Union Since 1945

By Alasdair Blair
June 1999
Pearson Education / Longman
ISBN: 0582368847
400 pages
$59.50 Paper original

The European Union is once again in the headlines. The recent resignation of the European Commission and the forthcoming parliamentary elections have intensified debates on reform after the integration of eleven currencies at the beginning of this year. What are the main issues? This new Companion offers a timely survey of the key policy developments of the EU, taking a thematic approach to provide easily accessible information on key areas of concern.

• Contains a major Chronology, set out in thirteen sections, which draws together all the different stages in the formation of the European Union into a single `narrative'.
• Focused Chronologies (supporting the main chronology) look in detail at specific periods of crisis - including one on De Gaulle and the Common Market, and one on the beef crisis.
• An extensive Glossary explaining the complex terminology associated with the EU; a review of the twenty-six major Summits.
• Crucial information on all the Member States, from basic details to commentary on the individual state's relationship with the Community of Europe.
• A special section devoted to Britain and Europe including a chronology devoted to Britain's relations with Europe and information on British pressure groups.

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