AQA GCSE Modern World History Revision Guide, 2nd ed.


AQA GCSE Modern World History Revision Guide 2nd Edition

By: Ben Walsh
September 2014
Hodder Education
Distributed by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9781471831751
96 Pages, Illustrated
$19.95 Paper original


Unlock your full potential with this revision guide which focuses on the key content and skills you need to succeed in AQA GCSE Modern World History

How this revision guide helps you:
- It condenses each topic into easy-to-revise chunks
- There is a revision task for each chunk of content to make sure you have understood and learnt the key information
- Key term boxes help you learn the essential vocabulary 
- Exam Practice provides sample exam questions for each topic - and you can check your answers online 
- Exam tips explain how to approach each kind of sample question and help you avoid the most common mistakes people make in their exams