A Practical Handbook for the Modern Kite Flyer
By Ron Moulton & Pat Lloyd
ISBN: 1-85486-143-3
256 p. illus.
$45.50 Paper
The age-old pastime of kite flying has recently experiences a dramatic increase in popularity, largely due to the introduction of new designs and materials for improved standards of efficiency. In Kites, Ron Moulton, founder of the British Kite Flying Association, has teamed with internationally respected draughtsman, Pat Lloyd, to provide this informative book on making and flying modern kites. Their authoritative text and drawings combine to describe the new era of advanced types and their use of the latest materials. Specialties such as kite fighting with the Rokkaku design, aerial photography, Parabear drops and team aerobatics are supported by 30 fully dimensioned kite plans that embrace the traditional, the simple and the sophisticated. Illustrated with numerous photographs, both black and white and color, the book offers a complete guide to this rapidly expanding recreation and will be indispensable for kite enthusiasts everywhere.
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