Family Scrabble Dictionary
Official Scrabble Reference

By Una McGovern
August 2001
Chambers Harrap Ltd
ISBN: 9780550120113
609 pages
$42.50 Hardcover

Chambers Family Scrabble® Dictionary is ideal for all family and recreational players. Derived from The Chambers Dictionary, it includes thousands of words suitable for playing Scrabble® with family and friends, with vulgar, slang and obsolete words omitted. Inflected forms are given in full (to stop arguments over what's allowed!) and succinct definitions are given for each headword to ais vocabulary learning.

Scrabble® is one of the most popular wordgames ever devised and thousands of copies are sold every year in the UK. Chambers provide a range of Scrabble® titles to help players of all levels. From playing Scrabble® with your family and friends to competing at club and tournament level, Chambers will improve your game.


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