By Natasha Murray
October 2011
Book Guild
Distributed by Trans-Atlantic Publications
ISBN: 9781846245602
247 pages
$36.50 Hardcover

London, a thousand years from now. The capital sprawls across the whole of England and every last bit of land is taken up by human habitation. Both London and Paris are protected from terrorists and criminal infiltration by an invisible shield and the people live under constant surveillance. Everyone, though, is happy - or seems to be. Law breakers are cast out of the shield into the wilderness and are left there to fend for themselves.

Somewhere in the French wildenress, two sixteen-year-old Londoners are about to embark on the task that every boy their age must pass. They couldn't be more different: Kayleb is clever but puny; Rowan is strong and obstinate. They've never been friends - far from it - but they quickly realise that, if they are going to survive the bloody dangers ahead of them, they are going to have to learn to trust each other - and fast!


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