By: Graham Tottle
December 2014
Book Guild
Distributed by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9781910298336
303 Pages
$22.50 Paper original


This novel weaves an enthralling tale leading from 1990 into our near future 2040.

It's set in the UK (the ship-shattering shores of Wales, the Industrial North, atomic power stations, Cambridge, London); the US (Chesapeake Bay, Washington); the deserts and capitol of Iraq and amid Uganda's jungles and towering volcanoes.

Adventure, romanc and humour. Fascinating reading for people for whom science, IT, language, Africa, the envoirnment, the surveillance society, terrorism, global warming and the recession are of interest. Also for yachties, bikers, Radio 4 listeners, programmers, divers, railway buffs, and wakers. An underlying theme is the battle for hearts and minds between dictatorships and democracies in our century.