Software Engineering for Students
4th edition

B y Douglas Bell
June 2005
Pearson Education
ISBN: 0321261275
448 pages, Illustrated
$110.00 Paper Original

Software Engineering for Students presents a range of current techniques and tools for people who have experienced the pleasures of writing programs and who want to see how things change in the scale up to large programs and software systems.

The students' familiarity with programming gives them relevant background and the confidence to grasp the fundamentals of this subject.

The book starts by explaining the challenges that large software projects present, moving on to cover the current principles, techniques and tools that are used in software development throughout the industrialized world.

Part A Preliminaries
1 Software - problems and prospects
2 The tasks of software development
3 The feasibility study
4 Requirements engineering
Part B Design
5 User interface design
6 Modularity
7 Structured programming
8 Functional decomposition
9 Data flow design
10 Data structure design
11 Object-oriented design
12 Design patterns
13 Refactoring
Part C Programming languages
14 The basics
15 Object-oriented programming
16 Programming in the large
17 Software robustness
18 Scripting
Part D Verification
19 Testing
20 Groups
Part E Process models
21 The waterfall model
22 The spiral model
23 Prototyping
24 Incremental development
25 Open source software development
26 Agile methods and extreme programming
27 The unified process
Part F Project management
28 Teams
29 Software metrics and quality assurance
30 Project management
Part G Review
31 Assessing methods
32 Conclusion
Appendix A Case Studies
Appendix B Glossary
Appendix C UML summary

• Throughout the text, UML is used as appropriate as a design notation and an idealized language similar to Java and C# is used as an illustrative programming language
• Cases studies are used throughout to clarify the explanations. - examples are chosen from familiar applications, including a computer game, and the software for an ATM
• The approach enables the reader to use, understand its rationale, review, assess and compare each technique, and select an appropriate collection of techniques for a given project

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