BCS Glossary of ICT & Computing
Terms, 11th Edition
Edited By the British Computer Society Schools,
Expert Panel, Glossary Working Party
April 2005
Prentice Hall / Pearson Education Limited
ISBN: 0131479571
472 Pages, Illustrated, 6 ¼" x 9 ¼"
$65.00 Paper Original
The world of computers is fast-moving and filled with jargon, so keeping up-to-date with the terminology can be daunting. The eleventh edition of this well-established authoritative glossary assumes no previous computing knowledge and uses simple language and numerous illustrations to guide the reader. The glossary explains over 3000 computing terms. Its unique structure links related terms together in such a way that the definitions are always placed in context to help understanding.
" Completely updated and now covering new technology areas such as mobile and wireless technology and wider coverage of security issues
" Structured around four themes for improved usability and understanding - how computer systems are used; what they are made of; how they are developed; and how they work
" Includes over 40 detailed introductions to sections, illustrating how terms may be used in a written context and providing background information on each section
" Design allows quick and easy access to terms
" Comprehensively index
" Contains lists of common abbreviations and acronyms
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