Kaput & Zosky

By Lewis Trondheim and Eric Cartier
July 2008
Distrubuted by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9781596431324
80 pages
$13.95 Paper Original



Never where you next expect him, Lewis Trondheim has earned international acclaim as one of the most versatile and prolific graphic authors alive. In 2006 the Angouleme International Comics Festival awarded him the prestigious Grand Prize. He has drawn and/or written more than a hundred titles, among them A.L.I.E.E.E.N., the first extraterrestrial comic ever published on earth, and Tiny Tyrant. He lives with his wife and two children in the South of France.

Eric Cartier is a French creator who has collaborated on many comics and traveled extensively. He has worked as an editor, an illustrator, and a writer, and contributed artwork to some of the Kaput and Zosky stories.

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