Harold's Story: Tale of an RAF Armourer


Edited by: Daphne Davison
July 2016
Book Guild
Distributed by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9781910508992
95 Pages, Illustrated
$24.95 Hard cover


This is a fast-paced, vivid, and true-to-life account of the life of Harold Davison, spanning from life in the inter-war years, through the chaotic Second World War, to the dazed aftermath where Harold tried to rebuild his life with a family back in England. The book is written from audio tapes recorded by Harold, and gives full and descriptive accounts of World War Two life in vastly different locations such as the Shetland Islands, France, India, and Sumatra. The conditions ranged from freezing billets in northern Scotland to jungle hunts in the tropics, from sleeping on tables to luxury in India. Including a nail-biting account of the last moments before the Japanese claimed Singapore, this book is an intimate and personal memoir of the tense and unbelievable War year