Baghdad Baby

By Suzanne K. Forster
February 2010
Book Guild
Distrubuted by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9781846244148
248 pages
$42.50 Hardcover


Kaz gives up her career, her business, her relationship and her home to embark on the ‘fool’s journey’. An English woman living in East Africa, she sets off on a spiritual quest across the world – experimenting with shaman medicine in the Amazon jungle; grappling with the deprivation in India and testing the power of her mind in the Bahamas. But it’s in war-torn Iraq, on a work contract, that Kaz encounters her biggest spiritual challenge. She falls in love with an American Special Forces Operator. Tom is ruthless, chauvinistic, conservative, materialistic and very handsome. Can Kaz keep her integrity under the onslaught of such a powerful personality? Can love with this man be compatible with spiritual advancement?

Ironically, it is her experiences in Iraq and her deep love for this man, her polar opposite, which have the most transformative powers on her life. It’s the story of a woman willing to touch the deepest part of her soul and a man who cannot allow himself to…

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