Luigi Moretti
Razionalismo e Trasgressivita tra Barocco e Informale

Edited by Bruno Reichlin, et al.
November 2010
Mondadori Electa
Distrubuted by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9788837075750
471 pages, Illustrated
$140.00 Paper Original

The book and the exhibition are the result of over four years of research from the Archives of Modern and the Academy of Architecture of the University of Italian Switzerland in collaboration with the Central State Archives. Research on complex shape of Moretti has as its objective the study of his original contribution to architectural culture of the Italian fascist period and the postwar period, starting from the analysis of the works, projects and writings. Moretti's work is characterized by the continuous search for new ways of expression of the form, resulting in the attitude combine solid classical training and "Roman" with interest and openness to new experimental forms of knowledge of the reality loomed especially in the fifties and sixties in the arts and sciences. The reconstruction of the cultural background, the careful study of the writings and his work as a gallery owner, publisher, also a director, will serve to deepen the process that led the architect to formulate original ideas around some key issues, such as the dialectical relationship of this with the historical past.




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