La Torte di Fiorella for Kids

By Fiorella Balzamo
December 2012
Mondadori Electa
Distrubuted by Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc.
ISBN: 9788837089771
174 pages, Illustrated
$43.50 Hardcover

From Italy's most famous cake designer, a book dedicated entirely to children, exquisite and amazing with many proposals to make every party unforgettable. From the world of pirates to the house in the woods, from the mouse to the cheese to the painter mad, each cake is a small masterpiece, where creativity and originality are accompanied by painstaking craftsmanship. The creations are described in detail, with numerous photographs and recipes that allow you to follow the step by step decoration. The book also contains useful information about the preparations and the basic techniques, food colorings and tools to use.



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